The New Message of Love, available on Amazon, is comprised of three books. Book I: Invitation to Love Book II: The Healing Journey Book III: Journey to Love
The New Message of Love is given in order to prepare Humanity for the New World in which Humanity is but one of many races in the greater universe. New communication skills, new methods of discernment, and the divine universal energy of Love, will be your guide and protection.
The New Message of Love will prepare you to act with confidence, rather that react in fear. It provides guidance for daily decisions, energy connection with those with positive intent; energy protection from those who would harm; and direction for life choices.
The New Message of Love does not promise riches; it promises that what is needed will be provided. It does not promise status; it promises service. It does not promise worldly success; it promises successful evolution of the soul.
Join us as we build upon past and current beliefs and philosophies by providing leadership through a new teaching called: “The New Message of Love”.
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