International Unity Day

Our world has been made smaller by technology, but we have not yet learned to care about those we do not know so that we may make decisions for the greater good of all people. When we realize that what we have in common is our humanity, we realize that the child in pain is the same regardless of geography, and that empty lives under oppression feel the same regardless of where the oppression occurs. The oppressed are not allowed to develop spiritual purpose and service, and the world is then denied their contribution.

The contribution of each person worldwide through the development of the physical body, and intellectual pursuits, is necessary for the healthy development of a world body. Those who go undeveloped, whether within our families, our communities, our countries, or our world, deny all of us their contribution. When we focus on the positive development of each person, regardless of social condition, we are working toward international unity.

One step at a time; one person at a time; one day at a time; we work for international unity. We celebrate our mission once each year on September 11 with the holiday called, “International Unity Day.” Whether we celebrate together in communities, or simply within our individual hearts and lives, let’s make September 11 each year the day we commit to working toward unity.

One step. One person. One day. One commitment: “Today I will do all that I can for the betterment of my family, my community, my country, and my world. I will make decisions by keeping in mind the greater good of all. I will make the necessary preparation for the life of service that I believe is intended and designed for my life. I will devote my life to my spiritual purpose. And when I leave this world, I shall leave in the knowledge of a job well done, and with the anticipation of more to learn and contribute at the next level.”