• 96th International Peace Meditation “Take Time to be Holy”

    “Take Time to be Holy”

    December 5, 2004-Welcome to the International Peace Meditation. We have been meditating/praying together on the first Sunday of every month for eight years now. Faithful to Love, and to one another, we have been reflecting on topics of great import to us all. As we prepare to begin our ninth year, let’s reflect upon those changes in the past calendar year that are a result of our greater consciousness toward the human community.

    “Take Time to be Holy” Let’s keep this as our constant reminder when consumerism crowds our daily routines as we approach what for many of us are holidays. As we prepare to surprise others with gifts symbolizing love and gratitude for their caring ways in our lives, let’s also remember our roots. What we learned is different for each of us, but the lessons that sensitized us to others near and far, are important. It is essential that we each pass on these lessons and traditions from our religious pasts, whether we today would describe ourselves as religious, or as spiritual. The lessons of our religions that teach of great love are timeless and essential.

    Hope and love are symbolized in the birth of any child. So much more so for a world in pain and darkness. The symbol of the Father in the innocence of a Baby is for many the greatest gift on earth. Let’s not forget the Baby in the other gift-giving of the season. Most importantly, let’s not neglect to teach our children the lessons of all of our religious traditions, regardless of whether we still practice the rituals we once learned.

    For the coming year the International Institute For Human Empowerment hopes to expand the message of empowerment by beginning to translate the Institute web site and our written and recorded published works into other languages. This will be a costly endeavor. You can help these messages reach more people. Please consider making a donation to the International Institute For Human Empowerment so that this will be possible. Scroll down to see directions below on how you can donate so that your donation can help reach others who are in need of messages of empowerment.

    This year the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. expanded its outreach in a variety of ways. This list reflects some of those changes. As you consider the International Institute For Human Empowerment, of which you, by philosophy alone, are a part, please also consider those changes in your personal life that have been a result of a greater concern for others. As we, all of us in the Institute, lead others in an effort to enhance unity and love, let’s realize that every act of love and kindness that we do helps to accomplish this goal. Together we can promote love and unity across the globe, one person, one act, at a time.


    Activities of the Institute for 2004
    12 Celebrations of the International Peace Meditation

    12 monthly e-mail newsletters and web postings of messages on empowerment

    Celebration of International Unity Day on September 11

    Member, Mayor’s Task Force on Domestic Violence; Schenectady, NY

    Lions District 20-Y2, representing approximately 50 Clubs, Proclaimed International Unity Day annually on September 11 and established International Unity Day Committee

    Expansion of Institute web site at www.humanempowerment.org as an international resource for empowerment

    Visitation regularly by approximately 80 countries to the Institute web site
    Donations were made by the Institute to the following:

    Clara Barton Camp for Diabetes
    Regional Food Bank of NE New York
    Schenectady YWCA to benefit Domestic Violence prevention activities
    Schenectady City Mission
    News about the Executive Director and Founder Sue Kidd Shipe in 2004

    Personal: Became engaged to Brian Hart
    Professional: Received Ph. D. in Education
    Received Level III Melvin Jones from Lions Clubs International Foundation
    Received appointment to two Cabinet leadership positions in Lions District 20-Y2:
    Lions Youth Outreach, and Lions Services for Children
    Received invitation to become a member of the Schenectady County of New York Human Rights Commission; Accepted invitation
    Commissioner for Human Rights, 2005-2008 pending Legislative approval
    Proposed adoption of International Unity Day to the Cabinet of Lions District 20-Y2
    Presented dissertation study: “A Collaboratively Designed Framework for School and Community Leadership Fostering Healthy Development and Lifelong Learning” to the International Director of Lions Clubs
    Active in Fibromyalgia Support Group and researching options for Fibromyalgia patients
    Spoke at Regional installation dinner for Lions in New York Mills, NY
    Spoke at Hadley-Luzerne Lions, NY
    Member Sales and Marketing Executives International of Northeastern New York
    Thank you for all that you do to spread the word and actions of empowerment to all people. Thank you for your support, through prayer and financial resources, of the goals of the International Institute For Human Empowerment.

    We hope you will visit our web site at www.humanempowerment.org and participate in this important mission to bring empowering messages and beliefs to everyone.

    And, only if you are able, please consider contributing to the mission of the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. Please give so that others might more fully live.

    Sue Kidd Shipe
    Executive Director

    You may contribute online via PayPal:

    Or send your contributions to:
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P.O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York 12203 USA
    Please make checks or money orders out to:
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.

    The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. is a 501 ( C )( 3 ) tax-exempt organization recognized by the United States Government. Your contribution within the USA is tax-exempt.
    Sue Kidd Shipe, Executive Director
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P. O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York  12203   USA
    (518) 393-9491

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