• 176th International Peace Meditation “Hearing the Voice Within”

    “Hearing the Voice Within”

    August 7, 2011 — Most of us are aware of our conscience. Sometimes described as the “little person on our shoulder”, it activates when we consider doing something we learned or know is wrong. This part of our consciousness guides our decisions, inflicts guilt when violated, and, in general, acts as our parental guide after we are grown.

    Our conscience reflects our cultural and family values and biases. As we mature, we may need to examine these early learnings in order to be able to act as positive, healthy adults. In other words, our conscience, the totality of our early learnings, needs to be reexamined if we are not to simply replicate the past. Overcoming prejudice and abuse are two learnings we may need to confront.

    As we consider the human conscience, some questions may begin to surface. What is behind the aberrations of conscience that allow for crime, torture, and annihilation of another’s body, mind, or spirit? What about the replacement of conscience by greed? What about those who learned that the end justifies the means in achieving one’s goals? Have some lost that moral compass that helps distinguish right from wrong? Are more failing to receive that teaching? Are some working to de-value human life by attaching a price tag? Can we ever put a dollar value on human life? I hope not!

    Being a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or significant other requires one to examine one’s conscience. Consider: “What values did I learn that I want to teach my children?” “What did I learn that no longer fits my belief system?””How can I help my children to be healthy, productive and caring members of society?””Why should I care?”

    The Meditation for July 2011 described the precipice upon which our planet stands poised. Decisions we make now will have immediate and long-term consequences. Political and financial instability threatens us globally as perhaps never before due to our interdependence upon these systems. At this moment, the political unrest in multiple countries appears to be spreading. Economic recessions, deflation of currency and inflation of prices, lack of job opportunities, bankruptcies, and unscrupulous means taken to obtain information, are rocking our world! Voices of reason may also be deniers of reality. It is difficult to step back and “get a handle” on the big picture.

    As individuals we often feel out of control as decisions are being made by both representative (elected) and non-representative leadership. In all cases one must ask if one believes that decisions being made are for the greater good, or for narrow, deceptive agendas. It is difficult to discern truth from fiction. It is even more difficult to ascertain right from wrong without all of the facts. The “little person on our shoulder” may have never been so important as it is today. Making decisions on facts rather than fiction, is a challenge that must be followed by a will to make decisions for the greater good. If a person in leadership position has an under-developed conscience, coupled with powerful decision-making authority, he or she is dangerous.

    We must rely upon our abilities to: (1) discern facts from lies; (2) discern right from wrong; and (3) discern who has the skills, integrity and character to be put into leadership position. After we have achieved the freedom to elect our leadership, the responsibility for following our conscience is critical. Freedom is fragile and must be protected.

    We long for peace, but there is no true peace without human freedom.

    This Meditation is dedicated to maintaining freedom even after the personal cost of attaining it.

    Sue Kidd Shipe, Ph.D.
    Executive Director
    Please join us in prayer/meditation during the 24 hours of Sunday, August 7, and again the first Sunday of every month. This is our 15th year of continuous monthly meditation. Forward our Meditation to all in your address book; make copies for your religious and spiritual brochures and bulletins.

    Please visit us on Facebook and click the Like button: http://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Institute-for-Human-Empowerment/104758086241125
    September 11, 2011 — “International Unity Day” For more information, go to www.humanempowerment.org and click on the globe Please join us with your own local commemoration and Proclamation! Purchase a copy of Celebrate Diversity! to aid in planning your International Unity Day Event.
    by Jonathan Cooper, M.D., Physiatrist
    and Medical Advisor to the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    Clinical Trials for Fibromyalgia.

    Thank you to all who contributed toward the printing and re-printing of our Fibromyagia Report. Be sure to write to sueshipe@www.humanempowerment.org or call 518.393.9491 for free copies for physicians, patients, and interested others. Help us spread the word! Thank you also for donating for all our efforts toward “helping individuals and organizations recognize and harness their power.”
    Diversity Resources
    Celebrate Diversity!–a Guide for Community, School, and Organizational Empowerment. This new book is available on https://www.humanempowerment.org/celebrate_diversity.html and Amazon.com

    New! MP3 download of “Love Rekindled” www.humanempowerment.org/LoveRekindled.html
    Your financial support of the International Institute For Human Empowerment helps us spread messages of Empowerment at home and globally. To learn more about the Institute, go to www.humanempowerment.org

    Click Here for Ways that you can participate and support the International Institute For Human Empowerment

    The International Peace Meditation invites people of all faiths to participate. The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc., a 501C3 charity registered in New York State, is not a member of any religion in order that it may serve all.

    Your contribution within the USA is tax-exempt. You may contribute online via PayPal:

    Or send your contributions to:
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P.O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York 12203 USA
    Please make checks or money orders out to:
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.

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