“Characteristics of Being Empowered”
May 1, 2011 — When the International Institute For Human Empowerment was founded in 1993 with a DBA (“doing business as”), and even later in the year 2000 when it became incorporated as a not-for-profit public charity, many people were not familiar with the words “empower” and “empowerment.” In fact, they were rarely used in some circles.
Today, although commonly used, they are rarely defined. What does it mean to be empowered? How do I know if I’m empowered? What measurement can I use to compare my life against an ideal of being empowered? What am I working toward?
Globally, humanity is seeking to become empowered. Unrest, political revolutions, changes in family structures, and the emergence of women and other minorities in leadership are evidence of the changes brought about by individuals seeking to become empowered. “True Democracy” is here defined as “where all are equal, and all are truly free.” Becoming empowered is a step in that critical and essential direction.
“Characteristics of Being Empowered
Has a sense of control over one’s own destiny.
Has a sense of self in relation to others.
Has a sense that one has the power to choose.
Has no feeling of victimization either by people, circumstances, or systems.
Has confidence in one’s own ability.
Has confidence that one always has choices.
Has confidence in one’s ability to make sound decisions.
Has the confidence to go against prevailing opinion.
Has the confidence to go against prevailing opinion in the face of possible personal loss.
Has the confidence to stick with one’s own convictions even when one must appear weak.
Has a center that is without confusion.
Emanates calm in the midst of confusion or pain.
Exhibits strength of character. Puts one’s personal integrity and the integrity of the organization above personal preference or gain.
Acknowledges that leadership is a responsibility given only to a few, and desires to contribute and serve others.”
reprinted from United We Stand, c. 2000, and Celebrate Diversity! c, 2010, by Sue Kidd Shipe
This Meditation is dedicated to all who seek to become empowered as a step toward establishing a True Democracy, where all are equal, and all are truly free.
Sue Kidd Shipe, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Please join us in prayer/meditation during the 24 hours of Sunday, May 1, and again the first Sunday of every month. This is our 15th year of continuous monthly meditation. Forward our Meditation to all in your address book; make copies for your religious and spiritual brochures and bulletins.
Coming Events
Fibromyalgia Conference — Sunday, May 15, 1-4 PM Schenectady, NY visit our website for more information.
Fibromyalgia Awareness Week in New York State May 9-15, 2011
The Institute will sponsor a booth at the Women’s Health Expo in the Concourse in Albany on May 10. See you there!
Please visit us on Facebook and click the Like button: http://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Institute-for-Human-Empowerment/104758086241125
Thank you to all who contributed toward the printing and re-printing of our Fibromyagia Report. Be sure to write to sueshipe@www.humanempowerment.org or call 518.393.9491 for free copies for physicians, patients, and interested others. Help us spread the word! Thank you also for donating for all our efforts toward “helping individuals and organizations recognize and harness their power.”
Your financial support of the International Institute For Human Empowerment helps us spread messages of Empowerment at home and globally. To learn more about the Institute, go to www.humanempowerment.org
Click Here for Ways that you can participate and support the International Institute For Human Empowerment
Clinical Trials for Fibromyalgia.
Celebrate Diversity!–a Guide for Community, School, and Organizational Empowerment. This new book is available on https://www.humanempowerment.org/celebrate_diversity.html
New! MP3 download of “Love Rekindled” www.humanempowerment.org/LoveRekindled.html
September 11, 2011 — “International Unity Day” For more information, go to www.humanempowerment.org and click on the globe Please join us with your own local commemoration and Proclamation!
The International Peace Meditation invites people of all faiths to participate. The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc., a 501C3 charity registered in New York State, is not a member of any religion in order that it may serve all.
Your contribution within the USA is tax-exempt. You may contribute online via PayPal:
Or send your contributions to:
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
P.O. Box 3920
Albany, New York 12203 USA
Please make checks or money orders out to:
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.