• 106th International Peace Meditation “Taking the Next Step”

    Taking the Next Step

    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. 106th International Peace Meditation “Taking the Next Step”Oct. 2, 2005-Taking the next step in life always involves change, and often that change is accompanied by stress. We can each think of many examples in our own lives. Even positive change like getting married, starting a family, starting school, going away to college, or changing jobs can be filled with stress.

    The same is true for the Institute. The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization toward the purpose of changing lives. Although the work of the Institute began in 1993, it was not recognized as a corporation for several years. The importance of being a not-for-profit organization cannot be overemphasized. This status helps others recognize that while what we do requires resources, the purpose is not to acquire resources. The mission of the Institute is to empower people to achieve “quality healthcare, quality education, quality food, and a safe and loving environment.”

    All people need opportunities to give to purposes in which they believe. Giving can be through volunteer participation, through financial resources, or donations of other resources appropriate to the mission of the organization. Much good gets done in the world through giving. We need to only look at the outpouring of caring, in the form of resources donated at times of crisis, to understand the generous giving hearts of so many people.

    The Institute is about to take another, more public, step. It’s mission to bring empowerment, primarily in the form of empowering solutions, is moving from an Internet base, to “Select Empowerment Seminars” that will bring together experts to develop empowering strategies to address some of our biggest issues.

    The first seminar, scheduled for Spring 2006, will address the issues of Fibromyalgia and other Invisible Illnesses. The results of that Select Empowerment Seminar will be published, and made available to legislators, healthcare workers, caregivers, educators, and the general public. This is a massive undertaking. The Institute needs your help! These illnesses are generally thought of as debilitating adult illnesses, but they also affect children. We know that children with this pain and fatigue are often not believed by their healthcare providers, parents, or their schools. And when they are believed, little is available to help. We need to bring this to the attention of those best able to address their needs. We need to make these invisible illnesses visible.

    Your financial donations can contribute to the expansion of the Institute. Right now we will rent space at a conference center. In the future, we will need to have our own conference center.

    Right now we will hire others to print the report. In the future, we plan to have our own publishing arm for this purpose.

    Right now, we will pay small stipends to our presenters. With your help, we will be able to bring together the most viable experts from around the country, even around the world.

    Right now we will have to depend on others’ technology for video conferencing. In the future we will need to have our own technology, and be able to connect the best minds to help solve the issues that keep many people from becoming empowered.

    Right now, you are needed more than ever before to help the Institute. Your financial donations, tax-deductible in the United States, are essential to realize this vision. Won’t you please contribute today?

    If you are contributing to the United Way, please indicate that your contribution is to be directed to the “International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.; P. O. Box 3920; Albany, New York 12203.” We are designated 501C3, a tax-exempt organization, and registered as a charity in New York State. Or check to see if your employer will match your direct contribution.

    Be a part of something so needed and so vital! Be a part of this mission to empower people from all walks of life. Help solve issues surrounding invisible and disabling illnesses, affecting millions of people, for which there are currently only symptomatic treatments, with no cure, and with very little research in progress.

    Be a part of uniting people across class, color, and culture. Work toward equality for all people. Help us to share power with the powerless by involving them in the solutions. Help us to teach the oppressed that there is a better quality of life available if they believe that they deserve.

    Let’s work together to change lives by improving healthcare for ALL people. Let’s find solutions to overlooked problems confronting the weak of society-the young, old, impoverished, and disabled. Let’s destroy violence by building bridges across our diversity. Let’s find ways to educate EVERY child to reach their potential.

    Let’s find the barriers, and then, let’s disseminate new solutions created by the “experts”-those who experience the barriers combined with those with expertise to eliminate them.

    Won’t YOU join us by donating today to help change lives forever?

    Please see below for directions on how to donate. We need your help today! Thank you.

    This meditation is devoted to the expansion of the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. so that it may broaden its outreach and increase its effectiveness. Your financial gifts, and your prayers, are deeply appreciated.

    We hope you will visit our web site at www.humanempowerment.org and participate in this important mission to bring empowering messages and beliefs to everyone.

    The Institute relies on the support of those who believe in our mission of changing lives. Please contribute so that our work may continue to expand. Thank you.

    Sue Kidd Shipe
    Executive Director

    You may contribute online via PayPal:

    Or send your contributions to:
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P.O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York 12203 USA
    Please make checks or money orders out to:
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.

    The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. is a
    501 ( C )( 3 ) tax-exempt organization recognized by the United States Government. Your contribution within the USA is tax-exempt.
    Sue Kidd Shipe, Executive Director
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P. O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York  12203   USA
    (518) 393-9491

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