“Trusting the Presence of the Unseen”
October 5, 2003–Trust is probably a difficult subject for most people. Whether trusting those known to them with confidential information; those with whom they interact for trade; or for the guidance and protection they seek from the Unseen.
Trust is difficult because we have all experienced instances where we felt betrayed. Whether there was truly betrayal is not what is relevant. Where there is the perception or belief that one has been betrayed, one’s sense of trust will be diminished. One becomes suspicious, and generally decides to lessen the level of confidence one previously placed in the other.
For example, children tend to love and trust unconditionally. However, if they experience instances where they feel abandoned or abused, even though they do not have a framework for understanding the experience, their trust will be diminished. With each successive painful experience, their perception that others are not to be trusted may increase. Therefore, their ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships with even those who are trustworthy will be difficult.
Teenagers move away from the environment of home and look for opportunities for trust outside of the close family and friends they have known. They may experience new friends in school, camps, or other organizations. They must make decisions about whom they will choose as friends and confidantes. This is a critical choice as the alliances one has as a teen will influence his/her behavior. Those who associate with others who participate in self-destructive behaviors such as drugs, sex, or driving recklessly, are often hurt by their own choices. It is important to attempt to monitor the choices of friends and associates of the children for whom we are responsible as one means of protecting them from unnecessary painful lessons.
Trust is essential as the basis for a primary relationship. Whether or not this relationship takes the form of marriage, commitment is essential for the relationship to develop to deeper levels. For this to occur, commitment must be based upon trust. Much of the pain of broken marriages or other primary relationships is the result of lack of trust. Therefore instances where trust has been violated must be resolved for the relationship to be able to continue. Relationships not based upon trust are generally for other purposes such as “keeping the family together” or for financial or business reasons, and do not have the capacity for deeper levels of commitment.
As the adult continues to experience the challenges of life, he/she needs to develop deeper levels of trust in that which is unseen. Religions assist the followers with finding answers to life’s most difficult problems. Religions also attempt to assist the followers by teaching about instances where trust has triumphed. These examples encourage the follower to learn for himself the essence of spirituality, which is trust. As this trust deepens, the person is able to become more confident and capable of handling those challenges which life inevitably brings to each of us.
What are we trusting when we trust the unseen? That answer comes to each person in a unique way. There are many who find comfort and assurance within churches, mosques, temples, or from religious music, ritual, and scripture. They may also find that the embodiment of spiritual life within their spiritual leader helps them to face the trials of living.
Others, outside the boundaries of established religions and faiths, are left to discover a path that provides strength and comfort for them. Through quiet reflection, prayer, or meditation, one seeks to open oneself to answers and a sense of peace. This peace comes to us when we ask or are ready, through our search for meaning. It is not the religion that provides peace. It is the spiritual path one follows within that religion, or outside of it, that takes one to a place of peace.
This sense of trust in the unseen may be the most difficult for the one who is challenged by the need to intellectualize an experience. This person will not be open to experience; will not interpret his/her current experiences in ways that teach lessons; and will constantly struggle for a sense of peace. However, peace comes through surrender and openness to something beyond human understanding. Humans can only attempt to describe what occurs; they can neither prove nor disprove it. They must have faith to bridge the divide between experience and knowledge. As a human race, we are not able to provide proof or evidence through our intellect; we must experience it by letting go. It is our ego that is often our greatest challenge to this process.
Faith is the belief that the events of human life are part of an unfolding plan. It is not that God, or Allah, or Love causes the emotional and physical pain we must at times endure. It is that these painful experiences are supported from beyond, and provide lessons for our physical life. These lessons help the human spirit to evolve to higher levels of consciousness.
How can we tell that there are different levels of consciousness within our world? Perhaps the easiest way to understand this concept is to look at the extremes. Consider for a moment the one who kills or maims others, whether people or animals, and experiences power and happiness in doing so. This is probably the lowest level of consciousness. History of every age reveals such personalities. These people are behind the great atrocities of human existence. Most of us would agree that the motives and thoughts of such people are the most base of human behaviors.
On the other hand, consider the great spiritual and political leaders who have brought great contribution to the evolution of the human race. We can each name many, often from the religion we practice, or from the spiritual leadership of all religions. We can also learn from the great contributions of the framers of such critical documents as the United States Constitution, or constitutions of other great democratic societies, which have improved the quality of life for citizens.
There are many other instances of great contribution, and some of those were guided to greatness by a belief in something more important that an individual life. The heroes of 9/11 are a current example. Their heroism inspires us. It lifts us to a higher level of consciousness. It teaches us the importance of caring. It motivates us to help others. These are the experiences of those who evolve to higher levels of consciousness. Deriving fulfillment from giving of oneself for the sake of others is the consciousness of love.
Trust comes when we begin to realize that something greater that the human experience is operating. It comes when we face challenges, and find that there can be peace in the midst of pain. It comes when someone cares and helps us. It comes when a great teacher imparts inspiration. It comes as we open ourselves to new possibilities in our individual spiritual growth. It comes if we but ask.
Trust is essential. Trust in the Presence of the Unseen does not mean that the world will change for us. It means that we will be changed to meet the world.
Trust is the foundation for intimacy. It is the foundation for healthy growth and development of our children. Trust is the opponent of fear and the provider of peace. It is attained through one’s conscious spiritual journey in search of meaning. Its evidence is a personal sense of peace.
Trust only spiritual teachers and leaders who live according to the message of love. Those who exhibit behaviors that cause pain for others are not of Love. The evidence of Love is love. Love is unconditional. It does not rely upon belief, religion, or behavior. It is evident by contribution of self for the betterment of others, and the consequent evolution of the human race.
As we experience this meditation, there are many in need of physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Let us remember each, and as we do, let’s also remember all others, known and unknown, who need healing. And trust that it will be so.
Trust does not mean that we will get what we want. Trust in the Unseen means that good can come from all human experience.
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Sue Kidd Shipe
Executive Director
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Sue Kidd Shipe, Executive Director
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
P. O. Box 3920
Albany, New York 12203 USA
(518) 393-9491
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