• 77th International Peace Meditation “An Open Letter to the Iraqi People”

    “An Open Letter to the Iraqi People”

    May 4, 2003-This is the beginning of a new way of life for you. You have lived under great oppression and fear. Learning new ways of relating to yourselves, each other, and others who are different from you will challenge you in the coming days. Therefore, the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. wishes to assist you in finding your new place in the world.

    First: Give thanks. A grateful heart is more open to receiving. It is open to new ways of seeing. It is not so afraid, but realizes that although change is always difficult, there is much to be gained by being free. Therefore, begin by analyzing your current situation, including all who have already helped you, and say a word of thanks.

    Second: Recognize that freedom has a price. Thank all those who gave their lives, health, time away from family, and resources that you may be free. Many died, including many of your own country. Give thanks for their sacrifice.

    Third: Allow yourself time to heal. You have been through desperate times. Many of you have never known any other way of life. You pain is almost indescribable. It will heal with time and new and positive experiences. Do not expect to be happy immediately. Your fear will diminish as you find success in your new roles.

    Fourth: Believe in yourselves. Now for the first time in so long you can make choices. Your newly found freedom may feel overwhelming. Do not be afraid. Of course you will make mistakes, as we all do. You are human. But you will also make many excellent decisions for the betterment of your family and your country, and ultimately, the world. Make your decisions with the best information that you have, and do not regret your mistakes.

    Fifth: Seek worthy counsel. Be cautious about whom you trust. Learning new ways and trusting new sources will feel strange. Ask: “What does this person want from this situation?” If it is anything other than your empowerment, do not trust.

    Sixth: Believe that you deserve to be empowered. Lack of belief that one deserves to be empowered is probably the biggest source of misery in the human experience. You deserve to be empowered because you are human! You deserve to discover all that you can accomplish when you are empowered.

    Seventh: Seek to be empowered. Empowerment comes from first believing that you deserve, and then seeking the opportunities to make it occur. Education is one of the greatest sources of empowerment. Provide education for all, regardless of age.

    Eighth: Understand that there is a spiritual component of empowerment. That component is based on the premise that only empowered individuals are free to contribute their lives in service to humanity. You are here on earth for a purpose that is known only to you. Beware of others who would use you for their purposes.

    Ninth: Rejoice that now you are able to develop your lives in freedom! There is no greater blessing, nor greater responsibility. All freedom demands responsibility, and as you begin to establish new forms of government, be sure to include responsibility with freedom to avoid chaos and greed.

    Tenth: Believe in your power spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. All power comes from Spirit you give name to. Allow Spirit, or Love, to guide you individually. Allow Love to lead you in wise decision-making. Trust that freedom is the will of the Universe, and you have been given that most precious gift. Use if wisely. And never stop believing that you deserve to be empowered. When others can convince you to give up your power, you will no longer be free. Therefore, freedom of the spirit is your most important and prized possession.

    Thank you for your belief in yourselves. Thank you for preparing to bring the world closer together by furthering democratic values and freedom for all. Thank you for joining those of us who enjoy the blessings of freedom. May you be safe. May you be joyful. May you always be free.

    Please join us in prayer/meditation on Sunday, May 4, and the first Sunday of every month for the International Peace Meditation. The International Peace Meditation joins spiritual sojourners of all faiths. The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. is not a member of any religion in order that it might serve people of all spiritual beliefs.

    You deserve to be spiritually empowered. Spiritual empowerment serves as the basis of all empowerment. Spiritual empowerment fosters freedom of thought and understanding. Only when we can dream and follow our dreams are we truly free. Empowerment begins in our minds and hearts. Visit our website at www.humanempowerment.org to learn more about empowerment.

    The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your donation is greatly needed and deeply appreciated.
    Sue Kidd Shipe, President
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P. O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York  12203   USA
    (518) 393-9491

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