“Refusing to Give Up”
December 1, 2002–Life gives us many bumps and jolts. To say that “everything is fine” is perhaps to acknowledge our acceptance of what currently is. Or perhaps, a way to avoid discussing what we do not feel like revealing, or with someone with whom we do not have a comfort level. Often, however, it means that we don’t see a better way, and have resigned ourselves to the status quo.
Living with the status quo, or the way things have always been, may mean we lack vision. For some of us, a better way has always seemed to elude us. We have seen others go forward with their lives in meaningful ways: jobs, family, or new locations, and we may feel that life just passes us by. For others, our past risk-taking has not given us the results we had hoped for, and we a afraid to risk for fear we will lose what we have in the process.
Having a vision of life as we would like it is important for the spiritual traveler. Believing that one has a purpose in life, and that one’s life is important, is essential for the spiritual process to consciously unfold. Having a sense of self; believing that each spiritual life is essential; and believing that what we contribute while we are here on earth makes a difference, are fundamental cornerstones of spiritual empowerment.
Once we believe that our life has meaning and value, we may begin to question what it is that we have come to do. We may ask, “What of value can I contribute?” This does not mean that we need to travel around the world to find the answer. It does mean that me need to travel inside through reflection for that conscious answer to become clear.
We can begin by asking ourselves: What is my dream? What do I do best? What do I enjoy doing? Am I a leader, or a support person? How do I see myself?
Often our dreams have become covered up by what we consider to be “practical reality,” such as having a job, supporting ourselves and family, or devoting time to helping others learn, heal, take care of themselves, find better health habits, break addictions, or other empowering activities.
However, many of us continue to feel like we are missing something important. We may feel that life is passing us by. We may see friends move on to new and exciting activities and relationships while we sit on the sidelines and wish life were different. Sometimes, it is because we have given up.
Refusing to give up means going the full measure. It means risking failure. It means taking financial risks, relationship risks, and career risks. It means having a vision of how life could be, and deciding that one’s vision is worth the risk. It means moving out of one’s comfort zone. It means seeing oneself differently. It means realizing that the pain of never living fully is worse than the pain of risking current security.
It means realizing that the only security one has is one’s belief in oneself. If one loses money, one will find a way to gain different employment. If one loses a relationship, one can learn the lessons of that relationship to enhance the next opportunity. If one loses friends, one will always have friends because caring and helping others brings us into relationship with others with similar needs.
The life of the one who chooses security over true living is sad because true living involves change. Attempting to control one’s destiny by avoiding change causes one to miss the opportunities that would otherwise become available. In other words, if we follow the path as it opens before us, we will have opportunities for choice. If we have vision, a belief in our worthiness, and a belief in something greater that ourselves, we will be more able to see choices as opportunities instead of threats.
Fear holds us back. It keeps us from living fully. It makes us prisoners. It may give us a temporary feeling of security, but it keeps us from true joy.
Refusing to give up; believing that there is a Plan for our life; following life’s challenges and opportunities; and believing we have much to contribute to the world gives us Purpose and Direction. Having a vision of our life as a source of help and inspiration to others gives our life meaning. Having a Purpose makes life worthwhile. Whether we are designed by personality and life experience to be a leader or a support person is unimportant as long as we follow that for which we are truly designed.
Refuse to give up. Believe that you are designed for a Purpose. Ask that you begin to understand that for which you were uniquely designed. And ask for the courage to bring forth your purpose in the world, so that the world might be blessed by your gift. ‘You are uniquely designed for giving because you are the gift.’
Please join us for the 72nd International Peace Meditation on Sunday, December 1, 2002, and the first Sunday of every month.
Sue Kidd Shipe, President
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
P. O. Box 3920
Albany, New York 12203 USA
(518) 393-9491
The International Peace Meditation is the spiritual foundation of the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc., a not-for-profit tax exempt corporation dedicated to empowering all people toward a True Democracy through the attainment of basic human rights including quality education, healthcare, food, and a peaceful and loving environment.
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