July 4, 2010–
“Celebrate Diversity!”
We greet the morning sun
Black, White, Red, Brown, Yellow
And we don’t ask that the other be
We see the sunset
Christian, Muslim, Jew, and Hindu
And we don’t try
To keep it only for our group.
We see hunger and devastation
Women, Men, Children, Able and Disabled
And we can’t but notice…
Poverty does not discriminate.
We see the stars
And know that they have led us through the ages
All of us…
Numbers untold.
So why do we participate
In putting walls between us
When openings create
The wonder of Unity?
To All People, We Say,
“Let’s Tear Down Those Walls!”
Sue Kidd Shipe, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Please join us in prayer/meditation during the 24 hours of Sunday, July 4, and again the first Sunday of every month. We are in our 14th year of continuous meditation. Forward our Meditation to all in your address book; make copies for your religious and spiritual brochures and bulletins.
Institute NEWS!
New! “Fibromyalgia: Awareness, Advocacy, and Action” is now available online.https://www.humanempowerment.org/fibromyalgia/FibroReport.pdf Your donations made it possible to print 3,000 more copies of a new edition of Fibromyalgia: Awareness, Advocacy, and Action in addition to the electronic Report found on our home page. Let us know if you can help us distribute this printed Report to patients, physicians, healthcare providers, attorneys, business, government, and others. We are so grateful for your support! Thank you! Contact Sue Shipe at sueshipe@www.humanempowerment.org to obtain a copy or copies, or to volunteer to help distribute the Reports.
The New York State Assembly and Senate passed Resolutions for Fibromyalgia Awareness Week in New York State, May 10-16, 2010. This year the Resolution also recognizes the work of the International Institute For Human Empowerment and our Report, “Fibromyalgia: Awareness, Advocacy, and Action”. The 2010 Senate Resolution can be found in the new edition of our Report. You can request a copy by contacting Sue Shipe at sueshipe@www.humanempowerment.org
September 11, 2010 — “International Unity Day” For more information, go to www.humanempowerment.org and click on the globe Please join us with your own local commemoration and Proclamation!
Nov. 6, 2010 — Saratoga Springs Lions Health Fair (local community only) Institute will sponsor a Fibromyalgia Booth. Watch here for more Fibromyalgia information and events in the coming months! See all of our activities at www.humanempowerment.org and select “Fibromyalgia”
The International Peace Meditation invites people of all faiths to participate. The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc., a 501C3 charity registered in New York State, is not a member of any religion in order that it may serve all.
Your contribution within the USA is tax-exempt. You may contribute online via PayPal:
Or send your contributions to:
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
P.O. Box 3920
Albany, New York 12203 USA
Please make checks or money orders out to:
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.