“Giving Thanks and Recognition”
November 1, 2009 — Thanksgiving is a time to reflect upon our lives with gratitude for the large and small blessings of life. From the birth of a child to the smile of a friend, there is so much for which to be grateful.
Caring people tend to gravitate toward one another in order to help others. That is why the International Institute For Human Empowerment, and Lions Clubs International, are critical outlets for our shared values, concerns, and service.
Membership in the International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc., is by philosophy alone. We are an organization of people who care, who seek to empower ourselves and others, and who strive to live daily in the consciousness of our spiritual journey. It is the empowerment of the spirit, of who we really are, that is of utmost importance. While we may have homes of modest or luxurious proportion, it is who we are on the “inside” that matters.
Lions are members of another international organization: Lions Clubs International. Regarded as the largest secular service organization in the world, 100% of donations to LCIF (Lions Clubs International Foundation) go to provide services for visually and hearing impaired programs, and humanitarian aid.
At this special time of year, let’s pause and reflect on the people who make our lives better. Let’s remember not only the big and obvious blessings, but also kindness in the strangers that we meet doing our daily errands. What a difference a kind word, a helping hand, or simply someone who listens can make. We can be that positive difference in the world, making each moment count.
At this time of year, we also want to remind ourselves of who we each really are. Giving of ourselves to our families, friends, communities, and even strangers in need, is important. With each positive and kind interaction, we make the world a better place. So, while you’re appreciating all that others have done for you, appreciate all that you have done for others.
“Giving Thanks and Recognition”
It has been said that all great gifts are from God.
If so, then surely this is the case today.
Who, but those people truly capable of caring,
would come together in this way?
Lions are love in action.
People are the hands and feet of the Creator.
Only when we give as Love would give
are we truly caring.
The International Institute For Human Empowerment gives.
It, too, gives service.
It, too, has a mission of caring.
It seeks to equalize opportunity.
We are just people–
Giving service to our communities and our world
Hoping to make our planet
a better place…..for everyone.
So, if you see a Lion
Stop and recognize
That you’ve met
someone special.
And, if you meet a member
of the International Institute
For Human Empowerment,
Do the same.
For we are all but followers
Of that one great tradition of caring.
Providing service as a lifestyle
That is truly who we are.
Lions are the hands and feet of the Creator.
Inspiring us to do just one more project–
Just one more time–
Until there is no more.
With inspiration and support,
Together–we continue our mission of service.
And we will not be finished
Until disease and disability are no more.
We are Lions, and the International Institute For Human Empowerment.
We care.
The International Institute For Human Empowerment honors Lions Clubs International for all of their humanitarian actions worldwide, and joins with them in their mission of service. Their motto: “We Care” is the power behind the action. The Institute and all who give service, care. Together we will strive to make the world a happier and kinder place.
For more information on Lions, go to www.lionsclubs.org
Sue Kidd Shipe, Ph.D.
Executive Director, and Lion
Please join us in prayer/meditation during the 24 hours of Sunday, November 1, and again the first Sunday of every month. We are completing our 13th year of continuous meditation. Forward our Meditation to all in your address book; make copies for your religious and spiritual brochures and bulletins.
Important Dates to Remember:
September 11, Annually International Unity Day
Please join us in this essential annual commemoration. You can find out more by going to www.humanempowerment.org and selecting the globe.
Fall 2009 Release of: Fibromyalgia: Awareness, Advocacy, and Action
Report of the Select Empowerment Seminar on Fibromyalgia
The International Peace Meditation invites people of all faiths to participate. The International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc., a 501C3 charity registered in New York State, is not a member of any religion in order that it may serve all.
Your contribution within the USA is tax-exempt. You may contribute online via PayPal:
Or send your contributions to:
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
P.O. Box 3920
Albany, New York 12203 USA
Please make checks or money orders out to:
International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.