• 101st International Peace Meditation “Do What You Know and You’ll Know What to Do”

    “Do What You Know and You’ll Know What to Do”

    May 1, 2005–Today is an important day in your life. Today you have a past, a present and a future. The past is done. The present is unfolding. The future is yet unknown. So, how do you know what to do in the present so that the future will unfold as you would want?

    ‘Do what you know and you’ll know what to do’. Knowing is internal. Intellect is based upon facts. How do we each make decisions as our daily life unfolds? Are our decisions made only from our intellect? Are they made from our emotions? Are they made from our sense of inner guidance? Do we each have a core that includes our values and our personal integrity? Do we have a core that encompasses our belief systems? Do we have a sense of being guided from outside of ourselves? Where are our decisions made?

    The answer is personal and individual, yet we may find that we are integrated systems of all that has been mentioned. We make decisions based upon what we know, and upon what we Know. Our intellect is the sum of what we know; our inner Knowing or Guidance is the sum of what we Know.

    Knowing is irrefutable. We simply Know even when we haven’t facts to support our knowing. We Know even when others are telling us we are wrong. In our gut is a strong sense of what we are to do, of what is happening, and sometimes it even includes what will happen. We have an animal instinct that has been with humans throughout their evolution. Sometimes, as we have developed our keen intellects, we have stopped relying on what we know instinctually, and relied mainly or only upon what we can describe. We use laws, history, cultural mores and more to make decisions with our “heads”. We use an instinctual knowledge when we use our Knowing. Inner Guidance can be an important tool in knowing what to do by doing what we Know.

    Consider a time when you knew something about which you didn’t have understanding or facts. Yet, you knew. Maybe you moved, married, worked a specific job for a specific boss, or chose a specific profession. Others may have tried to deter you. But you couldn’t be deterred because you had a strong sense that this was the correct direction for you. If you had parents trying to dissuade you, you may have resisted, telling them that they had lived their lives, and that you must live yours. You may have felt very determined and ignored the advice of others. Whether the outcome was positive or negative, you may still have the sense that it was the correct choice at the time. You may have had a sense of Knowing that caused you to make decisions, perhaps in the face of strong arguments to the contrary. You Knew.

    Animals have instincts upon which they rely. They seem to sense who will befriend them, and who will hurt them. They react to a sense of danger. They depend upon their sense of Knowing to keep them safe. People have that same instinct, but we often choose to ignore it because it doesn’t fit the picture that we think we see.

    If someone you trusted has ever betrayed you, you may be very familiar with this process. Think back to when you first met this person. Did your gut feel unsure, but your desires to befriend this person cause you to ignore your feeling? If others tried to warn you, did you sense that they might be right, but choose to go with what you saw before you instead of what your gut was telling you? You may still want to believe the best about people’s behavior, and look for the good only. When we do that, we are only looking at part of the picture.

    When we enter into new situations with people, we need to see the complete picture while trusting our gut. We need to see what really exists rather than simply what we want to see. If all we see is positive, but our gut feeling is opposed, we need to re-learn to trust our gut. The world is complex. It has been made more so by the shrinking effect of travel. We may be continuously exposed to new people and new situations. There is not enough time to gather all the facts including a person’s history. We need to listen when our gut, instinct, inner Knowing, reacts and check out the situation or person further. Putting our trust in someone is essential for relationship. But putting trust in the wrong person, a person with other motives, for example, can lead to broken relationships, broken dreams, and in some cases, loss of personal safety.

    Recently our media has focused on predators who draw people, especially children, to them, and then abuse them. Our children are impressionable and without the wisdom that comes from experience. As adults, we need to be there to sort out the people with whom we want them to relate. We need to be vigilant. We no longer have the privilege of growing up in small neighborhoods where we can know everyone and their families. Today even in small towns, there is much migration. People move in and out, or come for short periods. It is not possible to know each person well. We have to develop in ourselves an innate sense of whom to trust so that we can protect our children. We don’t want to overreact so that they are afraid. We don’t want to cripple them so that they are unable to made warm loving connections with caring people. But we do want to help them value themselves and learn how to recognize those who can love them and those who will use them for their own selfish purposes.

    We will know what to do by doing what we Know. When we sense danger, we need to listen. We need to recognize that we know very little about people, and while we are learning about them, we must also trust our gut. Animals rely on instinct, and humans can learn to rely on it once again.

    Thank you for joining in the 101st International Peace Meditation celebrated during the 24 hours of May 1, 2005. This meditation is dedicated to the children lost to the hands of brutal predators. May we take away from this terrible and painful lesson the understanding that we must become more awake and aware, and that we, all of us, are responsible for protecting children.

    Children have the right to be safe, to be nurtured, and to live and grow without fear. May we, the adults, pray for the Inner Knowing that can help us to make that a reality for all of our children.

    We hope you will visit our web site at www.humanempowerment.org and participate in this important mission to bring empowering messages and beliefs to everyone.

    The Institute relies on the support of those who believe in our mission of changing lives. Please contribute so that our work may continue to expand. Thank you.

    Sue Kidd Shipe
    Executive Director

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    Sue Kidd Shipe, Executive Director
    International Institute For Human Empowerment, Inc.
    P. O. Box 3920
    Albany, New York  12203   USA
    (518) 393-9491

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